Book Direct Day 2022

Book Direct Day takes place on the first Wednesday of every February.
Also known as 'Guest Education Day', the goal is to explain the mutual benefits for both guests and hosts.
Booking accommodation direct versus booking through third-party platforms or OTA's (online travel agency) saves either the host, guest or even both traveller booking fees.
When guests #bookdirect there are no additional booking fees and the host is able to provide the best possible pricing as well as having direct contact, enabling well catered personal service.
We do provide discounts on our availability/booking page and promote the discount code: BOOKDIRECT10
To promote awareness of #bookdirect day, for Tuesday 2 February 2022, we are offering an additional 5% discount - bookdirectday5. For guests to redeem the additional discount, please contact us directly with your specific dates so that we can include the additional discount prior to the physical booking.


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